Grace Pieper Postcard.jpeg

2 Receptions: Friday, January 26th & Friday March 9th, 5 - 7pm
Grace Pieper - "Girl Stories" - Narratives in Photographic Collage

Grace Pieper is a Nevada City, California native who began her work in the Photography Department at Nevada Union High School working under Photographer Instructor, David Arnold. Pieper's 2017 participation in Nevada Union's Annual Art Show, which exhibited at the Miner's Foundry in downtown Nevada City, brought local recognition for her narrative photographic works.

"I've always enjoyed combining drawing and other media with photographic images. It's been a hobby of mine for years to collect classic vintage magazines such as National Geographic and use the images in my work. My favorites are of women from the 1950's - '70's. I have a subconscious draw to women of those decades... I'm fascinated with the fashion and personality of women during those times".

Pieper's current body of work contains hand cut imagery from vintage publications, combined with drawing and the obvious use of modern photographic techniques such as scanning and photoshop. The pairing of antiquated images and modern techniques in this work creates a sense of error in chronicling... an anachronism which leaves the viewer in a kind of timeless limbo. "Girl Stories" takes inspiration from main stream print media of the 1950's - '70's with a youthful narrative that compares the persona of women and girls from then to now.