Introduction to Papermaking
Saturday, March 22, 2025
10am - 1pm / $65 - All materials provided
Click here to Save your spot via Venmo!
To confirm Registration cEmail: Shirley at

Course Description:
Join us for this three hour introduction to western hand papermaking. We will explore traditionally used plant fibers and recyclable pulp options and learn about tools and equipment, sheet forming and decorative techniques, use of pigment for color, pressing and drying, and the versatility handmade paper has to offer. This hands-on class is without stress or expectation. All materials are provided. Be prepared to take some of your work home wet, with instructions to continue drying.

You will finish this introductory workshop with an inspiring collection of handmade paper including a few cards for special occasions, and an understanding of how this work can be continued at home and through our ongoing papermaking series…keep checking the ASiF website for dates and classes as they are scheduled.

Be prepared to get hooked!!
Students will finish this introductory workshop with an inspiring collection of handmade paper including one of a kind cards for special occasions and an understanding of how this work can be continued at home as well through this ongoing series of papermaking workshops for more advanced projects. Visit this page for future class dates as they are scheduled! And contact Shirley and Sharon if you’d like to schedule a private group!

Optional materials and embellishments bring:

  • A cotton towel – fragrance free and not treated with fabric softener

  • Botanicals like flower petals and leaves (fresh or dried).

  • Lace, printed materials that won’t bleed when wet

  • Comfortable clothes / shoes that might get a bit wet

  • Apron

  • Curiosity and creativity